King's College London Law students achieve perfect settlement rate in mock mediations with Resolve Disputes Online platform.
RDO exhibited at the NACM 2024 Conference in New Orleans. The event brought together judges, court administrators, IT managers, and court staff from across the U.S. Attendees gathered in New Orleans to learn from peers, academics, and technology experts about how courts are using technology to enhance operational efficiency.
RDO was invited by the UK Ministry of Justice and Department of International Trade to join a delegation of legal tech companies on a visit to Australia. RDO took part in legal tech round-tables on solving the access to justice chasm as well as exhibiting at the Legal Innovation Tech Fest in Sydney.
The Alaska State Courts has launched an online negotiation and mediation service powered by RDO's technology helping resolve small claims and debt disputes. RDO is excited to be supporting the people of Alaska to improve access to case resolution.
The EU Intellectual Property Office has launched a mediation centre for IP disputes powered by RDO's technology. The platform enables EU businesses to undertake online mediation, conciliation and expert determination for rapid case resolution. RDO is delighted to partner with the EU in the protection of IP and dispute redress.
RDO joined its US partners at the NCSC CTC 2023 Conference in Phoenix. Judges, court administrators, IT managers, and court staff from across the U.S. and abroad gathered in Phoenix to hear from peers, academia, and tech companies about ways courts are leveraging technology to improve operations.
RDO joined its US partners at the NACM 2023 Conference in Tampa. The annual conference entitled 'Fulfilling the Promise of Justice for All through Connection' focussed on Racial Justice and barriers to equity in the US justice system.
RDO is pleased to announce its partnership with Journal Technologies, a leading provider of court case management software and services.
IPOS Mediation (IPOS) and Resolve Disputes Online (RDO), both pioneering dispute resolution companies, today have announced a joint venture to realise the LawtechUK proposal to utilise Online Dispute Resolution to tackle the SME late payment crisis.
RDO continued its US expansion by signing a partnership with leading US case management provider, Equivant. The partnership will help build on RDO's work in promoting access to justice and the rule of law in North America.
RDO joined its US partners at the eCourts 2022 Conference in Las Vegas for the first time since 2018. RDO took the opportunity to demonstrate how its technology makes dispute resolution easier for judges, court managers, disputing parties and lawyers across North America and beyond.
RDO was excited to represent dispute resolution technology and join its partners at the International Association for Court Administration in Helsinki, Finland. Key themes discussed included people centred justice and how new technologies can help uphold the rule of law in the wake of global challenges.
The UK Ministry of Justice and the Department for International Trade have invited RDO to be part of their delegation to the ‘GREAT Legal Futures’ event series that takes place in Miami between 30 October and 3 November, alongside the International Bar Association Conference. RDO will be working with partners to demonstrate how lawtech is transforming the way legal and dispute services are being delivered.
RDO was delighted to interview Caroline Sheppard, OBE. Immediate past Chief Adjudicator of the Traffic Penalty Tribunal (UK) about the digital transformation of TPT and what the future of ODR holds.
RDO spoke to Fair Work Commissioner Leigh Johns OAM about workplace and employment dispute resolution in Australia and the growing use of ADR.
RDO has strengthened its global sales team with the appointment of a specialist Head of Sales to meet growing global demand for its dispute resolution technology.
AusTrade (Australian Government international trade promotion agency) has selected RDO as an organisation to help support with international expansion and continued growth into the US market. RDO will participate in a series of meetings over the next few months to best prepare RDO for the next phase of growth into the US market and build on recent US and global wins.
RDO partnered with Microsoft and Thomson Reuters to present to Government stakeholders at the Microsoft Public Safety and Justice Solution Seminar. Topics ranged from Court annexed ADR, criminal plea workflows and integrations into existing case management systems. Contact RDO if you would like further information about the event.
RDO was delighted to partner with the Vietnamese Government to provide technology and advisory services for Vietnamese SMEs in view of the ODR needs in the region. The project which took place between March and August 2021 was funded by the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) and managed by DT Global Australia.
RDO hosted a roundtable with Mike Cherry OBE (National Chair Chair FSB - largest UK body representing SMEs) & Philip King (former Interim UK Government Small Business Commissioner) to discuss how ODR can help SMEs and aid economic recovery.
RDO partnered with Thomson Reuters to co-present a session on practical approaches to online mediation at the Resolution Institute's Annual Conference. The session brought together leading practitioners and thought leaders in the region. A published article detailing with security issues in online mediation is linked below.
RDO partnered with ICODR to host a webinar with Lord Briggs and Master McCloud from the UK to discuss ODR and online courts. The session chaired by RDO's VP Partnerships, Amir Ali was wide ranging and provided great insight into dispute resolution technology from the perspective of the judiciary.
RDO caught up with Master Victoria McCloud a High Court Judge from the UK to discuss ODR, AI and court backlogs. Upon her appointment, Master McCloud was the youngest Master in the High Court of England and Wales and previously undertook research into AI at the Oxford Law Faculty.
RDO's new VP Partnerships in the UK tells us about his journey into the law, being Chair of the Civil Court Users Association in the UK and his plans to further the RDO mission of using technology to bridge the justice chasm.
After winning best legal tech company in ANZ in February 2020, RDO took on and won the Global Final against competitors from the US, UK, Europe and South America. The judging panel comprised tech entrepreneurs, legal practitioners and venture capitalists from across the world.
RDO were delighted to present a keynote speech for the American Bar Association's Conference on legal tech and ODR for practitioners and the courts. Congratulations to the ABA team for putting on such an excellent conference.
RDO and its partners beat off strong international competition to be selected to deliver a feasibility study and prototype for a UK SME Dispute Platform. RDO looks forward to working with its partners, TechNation and Government stakeholders.
RDO was selected as a finalist by the UK Government backed Legal Access Challenge for the work it undertook in 2019 in access to justice and AI mediation technology.
Effortlessly view and manage all cases registered on your dispute resolution service. The case management support multi party actions involving represented and unrepresented parties.
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RDO know how important security is for your dispute resolution service. We protect your messages, audio and video calls with end to end encryption.
Access to justice truly on the move. We can create a bespoke App for your dispute resolution service so your users can access resolution from their mobile or tablet.
Request new features, add more neutrals, or purchase more case credits without fuss via the RDO Marketplace.
Enable your dispute resolution service to run on blockchain with immutable records created by our smart contract technology.
Enable parties to make offers directly or through a mediator through our settlement builder. Allow judges or arbitrators to post determinations with effortless ease.
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Resolve high volume disputes allow our AI Mediator who can negotiate financial settlements.
Access our knowledge Base and even customise the content as your Service iterates and grows.
Create a bespoke automated or manual workflow around your key dispute resolution processes.